Phoenix Challenge: DAY 2

Catherine F.
1 min readJun 17, 2021

Okay so today I have to think about something I’ve overcome. Hm. This is a bit of a challenge for me. Reason being is because I am still in the process of seeing the silver lining in everything I am currently working on. The last 18 months have been incredibly hard for just about everyone including myself.

Though I would like to be on the positive-vibes treadmill that social media constantly purports I always try to reflect the reality I am living. Maybe this is me acting pessimistic but it’s hard to feel fresh air when you’re in the middle of a fire. So at the moment I would like to say I am break-throughing meaning that my mother’s prayers are helping and the grace of God is holding me.

I think that in itself is a breakthrough because it is within these situations that people build resilience and resistance to what will actual catapult to the great breakthrough.

I guess one thing which I’ve overcome is 2 out of the 3 assignments and that in itself an achievement for me. There’s been many sleepless nights, caffeinated drinks, tears and to reward myself I am going to get ready and get myself some ice cream.

